Plan for your future and protect your legacy with our estate planning services.
It’s time to schedule a meeting to take the worry out of the next phase of life.

It’s time to schedule a meeting to take the worry out of the next phase of life.
We offer a complete suite of services to help you.
Trust-Based Estate Planning helps manage and distribute assets through a trust created during the individual's lifetime. It minimizes estate taxes, avoids probate costs and delays, and protects assets from creditors.
Will-based estate planning involves creating a legal document (last will and testament) that outlines how your assets should be distributed among beneficiaries after you pass away.
Estate administration settles the affairs of someone who passed away. The administrator identifies assets, debts and liabilities. They manage necessary tasks, pay bills, file taxes, and distribute assets to beneficiaries.
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Joel was born and raised in Los Angeles California. Yep, he’s a transplant. After graduating with honors from the California State University – Los Angeles, he came up here for law school in 2012. By the end of his first semester Joel knew two things: 1) this was where he belonged – he was going to make the Pacific Northwest his home; and 2) he would dedicate his life to preventing the tragedies he’d witnessed within his own family.
You see, Joel had witnessed the complete disintegration of his family after the death of his grandmother due to the bickering and infighting between those she left behind. Just a few years later, he watched helplessly as his mother mourned the death of his brother, enduring a long and tedious probate process while struggling with the courts, state agencies, and creditors.
In law school, Joel apprenticed with a local estate planner. It didn’t take long for him to realize that both of these tragedies were completely preventable. In both cases, there had been documents – grandma had a will and his brother had appointed his mother power of attorney. In neither case, however, was the voice of the deceased a part of those documents. Joel had found his purpose: to ensure that the client’s voice lives on through a carefully considered and thoughtfully designed estate plan.
Joel graduated from the University of Oregon School of Law in 2015 with certificates in estate planning and tax law, committed to changing that dynamic for his clients. He is a member of the Oregon State Bar Association, the Lane County Bar Association, and WealthCounsel – a national organization dedicated to providing advanced estate planning techniques. His firm, Cascadia Estate Planning, provides personalized estate planning as well as assistance with estate administration and probate cases.
It’s never too late to help your loved ones after you are gone. Have the peace of mind that everyone will be taken care of in the way that you want.
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